We Are Energy – How To Raise Your Vibration

In my search for answers, solace, and connection, I started to further explore how since we are made of energy, how can we improve our experience in this realm from an energetic standpoint? In other words, how can I raise my vibration and thus improve my life experience? I accept the premise that we are made of stardust/energy in the universe. And that (from an energetic standpoint) we act and react to others based upon what frequency we are on.

We are part of a collective energy but we also have conscious and subconscious thought inhabiting a unique physical body. The collective energy that we are all a part of is source energy. From a religious point of view, this source is known as God. God is also known by several names depending upon which religion you follow. In order not to mistakenly omit a particular religion’s name for their God, I won’t name them here. But I do acknowledge and respect that not everyone refers to their version of source energy as God. Since I am not a follower of organized religion, I prefer to refer to it as Source and The Universe. 


Understanding that I am simultaneously my unique self but also part of a collective energy gave me great comfort and I no longer felt alone. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, my dad’s energy remains part of the collective connected both to Source and to me. Coming to this realization, I instantly knew that my dad is always with me and I am connected to something bigger than myself, source energy. 

Around this time, I came upon the concept of Twin Flames. It is controversial, but what I have taken from it is that it is formed on the basis that everything has masculine and feminine energy, and we share a soul with our mirror opposite. According to Greek mythology, we were originally created with four arms, four legs, and two faces. Zeus (the king of the Greek Gods) feared we could overpower the Greek Gods, so he split us in half, dooming us to search for our other half, our Twin Flame. In the Twin Flame dynamic, one is the Chaser (often the female) and the other is the Runner (often the male counterpart) and the push-pull ups and downs of relationships are therefore explained.

There are numerous checklists that are designed to inform you if you have in fact met your Twin Flame because it is entirely possible to meet a false twin. You can fall down a rabbit hole with this, look for meaning/explanations in everything, which I initially did. Where it can get dangerous, in my opinion, is when you convince yourself that you’ve met your Twin Flame and then chalk up their toxic behavior to part of the “Twin Flame Journey” and you stay involved in a toxic relationship because you believe you are destined to be together.

The end goal of the Twin Flame journey is to come into union with your twin. Very often you go through a period of physical separation from your twin, during which time you are both meant to spiritually awaken and work on your issues separately so that once you resolve them, you have then raised your vibration by doing so, and you come together in union from a state of pure love.

I’m not going to go deeper into the Twin Flame journey than just touching upon it as I have because as I mentioned, it goes much deeper and is laden with multiple theories and controversy. I am merely mentioning it as part of my own journey and the conclusion that I came to about it that I feel best serves me.

What I came to understand is that before you can come into union with your twin, you must come into union within yourself. By that I mean, you must work out your own issues and find balance between your own masculine and feminine energies. By doing this work on myself, I found that this is truly what the Twin Flame journey is about for me:  finding union within myself. I personally don’t believe it has anything to do with finding your mirrored opposite, I believe it is solely about finding and loving yourself.  

Photo by Cheryl Empey from FreeImages


During my process of learning and discovery, I came upon various meditations and visualizations designed to raise my vibration (and energetically that of my twin). I performed these meditations/visualizations daily for months. And despite my initial motivation being to raise my vibration as well as that of my perceived twin flame, I greatly benefited from doing so. 

The visualizations I did were of me envisioning a white light coming down from Source energy, entering in through my crown chakra, running through my body, out my feet and deep into the center of the earth. Then up from deep inside the earth, new energy comes up into my body, entering up through my feet. Whatever heavy energy I was experiencing at the time, I transmute it to the center of the earth and bring back positive energy up through the channel of energy coming up from Mother Earth. This energy cleanse always made me feel refreshed and lighter.

There were several other meditations I performed daily specific to the Twin Flame union, which regardless of whether or not I did them with the intention of reaching a specific person or not, the concept behind them was pouring love into the world. 


Around this time I was also drawn to music. I had a strong desire to learn how to play a musical instrument, however, I had no previous formal training whatsoever. The extent of my experience with playing an instrument was limited to playing a plastic recorder in the third grade. “Playing” the recorder, certainly an apt description in terms of messing around with an instrument, but definitely not “playing” it in terms of being a maestro, far from it.

No, my appreciation for music was rooted in my ear for rhythm and melodies, and the visceral feeling that sometimes moved me when listening to a particular song or musical piece. But I had not picked up a musical instrument just shy of a tambourine since I was seven so the calling to learn how to play one now surprised me. The call was strong and clear, so I went with it. The choice of instrument was also clear to me, the bass guitar. 

I am a fan of several genres of music with funk being my favorite. No matter what I am listening to, my ear naturally finds the bass and it speaks to my soul. So at the age of 48, I started to learn how to play the bass. I didn’t connect it at the time, but music is also a great avenue for raising your vibration. 


I later got my certification as a Reiki practitioner. I broadened my knowledge further gaining certifications in both Pet Reiki (with the aim of helping improve my cat’s health) as well as Crystal Reiki. Doing the rituals of clearing my energy and raising my vibration really appealed to me. One step was leading to the next and all of it was helping me to heal. It was no accident that during this time of healing my spirit, I was also deep in my detox healing my body. 

Click Here for My Body Fell Apart

Doing the visualizations regularly really changed my outlook, got me to slow down, and shift into positive thoughts of love and connection thus raising my vibration. Playing the bass always made me feel good too, as did the Reiki attunements I performed on myself. Energetically I was feeling better, but this was only the beginning. I had much more to learn and discover about myself and my relationships, and I made it my mission to not only acquire this knowledge, but also apply it to my life. 

Although this is not an exhaustive list, I found that all of the above mentioned methods contributed to raising my vibration. The other way that I found to be particularly effective, was learning how to truly love myself.